Over the years, Langhorne Rod and Gun club has partnered with the Red Cross to serve our local community. Due to the generosity of our club members we have enjoyed a Premiere Level of recognition with the Red Cross, which is an achievement that takes all of us to preserve.
We are again asking that our club members roll up their sleeves and take part in this event. A sign up link has been provided at the bottom of this message and can also be found on our club calendar within the April 5th Blood Drive posting.
Noteworthy, is the following:
Anyone who signs up for this donation event will be automatically enrolled in a $5000.00 drawing sponsored by the Red Cross. (Please be sure to include your email when you enroll on the red cross sign up page).
Additionally, you will also receive a $15.00 gift card from the Red Cross for signing up to donate.
The club will still have reserved slots and walk-In enrollments for club members and friends.
Ken Jankowitz
Blood Drive Chairperson