Lever Action
Lever Action
Langhorne Rod & Gun Club Lever Action Shoot
Our Events Page Link for Facebook…(the most updated information gets posted here first)
Come out for a series of special lever action rifle shoots! Ear and eye protection are required, but cowboy hats are optional! Iron sights only!
UPDATE..want to shoot but no rifle?.. cowboy SA revolver are now part of the event!
Registration 8:00am to 8:30am ONLY
Event Start Time: 9:00am
Check calendar for dates.
Ammunition: Centerfire lead cast bullets only (45 rounds)
Course of fire:
1st Course: 25 yard distance with two (2) relays. 5 rounds at 5 targets twice
2nd Course: 50 yard distance, one (1) relay. 5 rounds at 5 targets
Club Info
View our Event Schedule or the LRGC Calendar for upcoming fishing events, updates, and last minute events changes.